Great Researchers Don’t
Grow⁺ on Trees.
We Grow them at Soarbox *

Our Screening & Talent Development Process

Scalable Workforce
Every applicant completes a difficult take-home assignment. If they score highly on the take-home assignment they’re sent a detailed questionnaire about previous employment.
Intro Call
Our recruitment manager schedules a first intro call to get to know the applicant, dive deeper into business knowledge, and evaluates communication skills and a culture fit.
Trial Project
We give the applicant a first internal test project to complete under time pressure in a similar format as they would experience working with Soarbox customers. This is when we see their actual skill level.
Expert Panel
Collaboration is a crucial part of our talent community at Soarbox. Therefore, we also believe that other core team members should have a say in the hiring process.
5-Day Bootcamp
Before letting a talent work on customer projects, the new hire goes through interactive onboarding training and completes online courses and 1-to-1 coaching with our quality manager.
Ongoing Peer-to-Peer Training
A crucial part of our success is that we don't only try to find the best talent but also raw diamonds and make them bling. PS: Isn't everybody a raw diamond?
Join Talent Community

The Traditional Way Tech Companies Outsource is Broken

You Want Flexibility. They Want Security
You Want Expertise. They Want to Learn
You Want Quick Dialogue. They Want to Focus
You Want to Pay Less. They Want Appreciation
You Want Finished Projects. They Want More Hours